Latest Turkey Inflation Rate of 79. 6% the Highest in 24 Years — Weakening Lira and Russia-Ukraine War Blamed.

06 Aug 2022, 08:00
Latest Turkey Inflation Rate of 79.6% the Highest in 24 Years Weakening Lira and Russia-Ukraine War Blamed According to the latest data from the Turkish Statistical Institute, the country’s annual inflation rate for the month of July was 79.6%, the highest in 24 years. Rising transportation costs, food and non-alcoholic beverages were some of the product categories that contributed to the overall rate increase. Transportation Costs Rose the MostTurkey’s consumer inflation rate in July surged to 79.60% the highest in 24 years while the monthly rate stood at 2.37%, the latest data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI) has shown. According to the data, transportation costs, which rose by 119.1%, were one of the four main product groups whose prices rose faster than the consumer price index (CPI). The three other product groups whose inflation rate rose faster than 79.6% are food and non-alcoholic beverages which went up by 94.65%, furnishings and household equipment (88.35%), and alcoholic beverages and tobacco (82.66%).